Yenra : Catholic Prayers : Prayer of Spouses

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

Before nothingness,
when destiny had not yet been written
and our souls drifted
in the worlds of God,
it was then,
ordained and prescribed,
that we began.

searching to become one.
The vastness of time and space
could not prevent our encounter.
We were born
and our journey to the center, began.

Creator of love,
Author of purpose,
mindful of every need;
It was You who knew the needs of our youth
and of our old age.
It was You,
who knew the face of our firstborn
long before conception,
and it was You
who allowed us our trials,
our mistakes,
even our injuries,
for Your promise remains forever true
as choice remains ours.

We have chosen,
in the center of our lives,
this union, of man and woman,
friend and partner.
This, we have freely chosen,
leaving behind the expectations
of the people we were so long ago.
Youth captured us then,
and cushioned us
and could have destroyed us
had it not been for our circle,
written by Your hand,
entitled love, endurance, and Your gift to us.

This, our marriage,
aged, like ourselves,
wrinkled and altered in shape
remains precious.

You promised a miracle
when two gathered in Your name.
Today we gather,
and You are here,
and there is Love.

Submitted to Catholic Prayers on February 8, 1996 by Margaret A. Davidson in response to a request.

© 1996 by Margaret A. Davidson, All Rights Reserved