Co-Design of Algorithms and Architecture 2 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Parallel Computing Optimization Metal Engraving: A Moment of Focus and Creativity: A person meticulously crafting intricate designs on metal sheets using an engraving tool, which appears to be made of silver or steel. The individual's hands are carefully positioned over the metal sheet, with their fingers wrapped around it and their thumbs resting on top. This suggests that they are deeply focused on their work, as evidenced by the precision and care evident in their movements. The person is wearing a black shirt and has short nails, indicating a level of attention to detail and dedication to their craft. The metal sheet itself is made of copper, which adds an element of warmth and depth to the overall scene. It is covered with a complex design that resembles circuitry, featuring curved lines, circles, and squares in various sizes. This intricate pattern gives the impression of being both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The engraving tool is held at an angle, allowing for precise control over its movements as it etches into the metal sheet. The tip of the tool is pointed towards the center of the design, where it meets a small circle that serves as the focal point. This suggests that the person is working on creating a specific pattern or symbol within the larger design. Overall, the image captures a moment of intense focus and creativity, highlighting the skill and attention to detail required for metal engraving.