Energy Infrastructure Siting 2 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Land Use Optimization Wind Turbines at Sunset: A serene landscape with wind turbines and a building in the background, set against a cloudy sky. The foreground features a grassy area that gradually transitions into a wet surface, possibly water or mud, which is partially obscured by reflections of lights from the cityscape. A few blades of grass protrude through the reflection, adding texture to the scene. In the distance, several wind turbines are visible, their slender structures rising above the horizon and casting long shadows across the landscape. The building in the background appears to be a large structure with multiple stories and windows, possibly an industrial or commercial facility. The sky above is overcast, with clouds covering most of the sun's rays, but a few streaks of sunlight manage to peek through, illuminating the scene with a warm glow. Overall, the image conveys a sense of tranquility and industry, juxtaposing the natural beauty of the landscape with the presence of human-made structures.