Enhanced Data Integration 2 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Global Freight Price Forecasting A Globe with Concentric Circles: A globe with a black background and white lines, resembling a map or chart. The globe is centered in the frame, taking up most of the space. It appears to be made of glass or plastic, as it reflects light and has a smooth surface. The globe's equator runs horizontally across the center of the image, dividing it into two hemispheres. Each hemisphere features a series of concentric circles, with the innermost circle being the smallest and the outermost circle being the largest. These circles are likely used to measure distances or latitudes on the globe. In addition to the globe, there is also a small, white rectangle in the top-left corner of the image. This rectangle appears to be some kind of label or marker, possibly indicating the location or origin of the globe. Overall, the image suggests that it may be related to geography, cartography, or navigation.