Improved Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling 3 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Environmental Impact Assessments Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling: An illustration of groundwater and surface water modeling, showcasing the interconnectedness between these two components. The top portion of the image features a grassy landscape with rolling hills, trees, and scattered rocks, representing the surface water system. A small stream flows through the center of this area, symbolizing the movement of water from one location to another. In contrast, the bottom half of the image is dedicated to depicting groundwater, which is represented by a large underground aquifer. This aquifer is filled with various shapes and sizes of rocks, highlighting the complex network of channels that allow water to flow through it. The illustration also includes several roots of plants growing from the top surface down into the aquifer, emphasizing their role in absorbing moisture from both sources. Additionally, there are several lines extending from the stream at the top to specific areas within the aquifer below, indicating how water flows between these two systems. Overall, this image effectively illustrates the dynamic relationship between groundwater and surface water, demonstrating that they are not mutually exclusive but rather interdependent components of our planet's hydrological cycle.