Improved Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling 0 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Environmental Impact Assessments Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling Visualization: An abstract representation of groundwater and surface water modeling, with a large, circular structure at its center. The structure is divided into two sections: the top half represents the surface water, while the bottom half symbolizes the groundwater. This division highlights the interconnectedness of these two components in the hydrological cycle. Notably, the image features a prominent yellow line that weaves through both sections, possibly signifying the flow or movement of water between them. The overall design is reminiscent of a 3D model or diagram, suggesting an educational or informative purpose for the visual representation. Additionally, the image includes various symbols and markings, which may represent different parameters or variables in the modeling process. These elements collectively contribute to a comprehensive visualization of groundwater and surface water dynamics.