Sentiment Analysis for Underrepresented Groups 0 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Diversity and Inclusion Tools Women's Collaboration and Collective Effort: A group of women gathered together, with one woman at the center holding a tablet and surrounded by others who appear to be engaged in conversation or discussion. The dominant colors in the image are white, blue, yellow, and orange, which create a visually appealing contrast against the dark skin tones of the individuals depicted. Notably, the faces of all but one woman are blurred out, suggesting that their identities may not be publicly known or disclosed for privacy reasons. This could imply that they are part of an underrepresented group or community, such as women in leadership positions or those from marginalized backgrounds. The overall impression conveyed by the image is one of collaboration and collective effort among these women, who seem to be working together towards a common goal or objective.