User-Driven and Personalized Retrieval 3 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Content-based Image Retrieval Leather Samples for Crafting and Upholstery: A collection of leather samples or pieces, each with its own unique texture and color. The samples are arranged in a random manner, with some overlapping others, creating a visually appealing display. Each sample appears to be made from high-quality leather, with a smooth, glossy finish that suggests it is suitable for crafting or upholstery purposes. The colors of the samples range from light brown to dark blue, providing a diverse palette for potential users to choose from. Some samples have visible stitching along their edges, adding an extra layer of detail and texture to the overall presentation. In addition to the leather samples, there are some other objects present in the image, including what appears to be a small piece of fabric or paper on the left side of the frame. This object is partially obscured by one of the leather samples, making it difficult to discern its exact nature or purpose. Overall, the image effectively showcases a variety of high-quality leather samples, providing potential users with a range of options for their crafting or upholstery needs. The arrangement of the samples and the inclusion of other objects in the background add depth and interest to the image, making it more engaging and informative for viewers.