Automated Material Handling 0 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Construction Site Safety Monitoring Automated Material Handling System in Warehouse Setting: An automated material handling system in a warehouse setting. A large robotic arm, likely made of metal or plastic and painted yellow, is prominently featured on the right side of the image. This robotic arm appears to be equipped with a claw-like end effector, suggesting its purpose is to grasp and transport objects within the facility. The background reveals rows of shelving units stacked high with boxes, crates, or pallets, indicating that this warehouse handles bulk quantities of goods. In contrast, the foreground features a section of shiny black flooring, possibly made of polished concrete or another durable material, which provides a clean and reflective surface for the robotic arm to move around on. Overall, the image conveys a sense of efficiency and productivity, highlighting the importance of automation in modern logistics operations.