Coastal Erosion and Sea-Level Rise Modeling 0 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Climate Adaptation Strategies Coastal Erosion and Sea-Level Rise Modeling Scenario: A coastal erosion and sea-level rise modeling scenario, showcasing the dynamic interaction between land and water. The foreground features a prominent cliff face, likely composed of sedimentary rock, with visible layers of sandstone or shale. The cliff's surface exhibits signs of weathering, including cracks and fissures that have been eroded by the relentless pounding of waves against the shore. This process has led to the formation of caves, some of which are partially submerged in the water below. The shoreline itself is characterized by a mix of sandy beaches and rocky outcroppings, with vegetation such as grasses and shrubs clinging to the land above the high-tide mark. The water's edge is marked by a distinct line where the sand or pebbles meet the sea foam, creating a visually striking contrast between the two elements. Beyond this boundary lies a vast expanse of open ocean, stretching out towards the horizon and meeting the sky at a point where the blue deepens to almost black. In the background, a lush forest of trees lines the coast, their dense foliage providing a natural barrier against the forces of erosion. The overall impression conveyed by this image is one of constant change and flux, as the relentless action of waves and tides reshapes the landscape over time. This dynamic interplay between land and water serves as a poignant reminder of the ever-changing nature of our planet's geography.