Automated Quality Assessments 3 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Cargo Condition Monitoring Automated Quality Assessment System for Plant Inspection: An automated quality assessment system in operation within a controlled environment. The system comprises a robotic arm, equipped with sensors and cameras, which is designed to inspect and evaluate the quality of plants. In this instance, the robotic arm is positioned above a bed of lettuce plants, carefully examining each leaf to assess its freshness and quality. The arm's sensors and cameras provide detailed information about the plant's condition, including factors such as color, texture, and moisture levels. This data is then used to determine the optimal time for harvesting or additional care measures. The system's advanced technology enables precise and efficient evaluation of the plants' quality, ensuring that only the highest-quality produce reaches consumers. The image showcases the cutting-edge capabilities of this automated quality assessment system, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the way we approach plant inspection and care.