Predictive Modeling of Disease Spread 0 - Image Index | 20 Ways AI is Advancing Biodefense and Pandemic Modeling Disease Spread Predictive Modeling: A visually striking representation of predictive modeling for disease spread. The central focus is on a network map, likely illustrating connections between cities or regions, with lines and nodes that represent the flow of information or people. A vibrant orange line dominates the top section, potentially symbolizing high-risk areas or hotspots where the disease is spreading rapidly. In contrast, pink lines are scattered throughout the image, possibly indicating lower risk zones or areas under control. The subtle presence of white dots on the map suggests additional data points or markers for specific locations. The background, though blurry and dark, appears to feature a cityscape or urban environment, providing context for the disease spread model. Overall, this image effectively conveys complex information about disease transmission patterns in an engaging and accessible manner.