Automated Cooking Appliances 3 - Image Index | 10 Ways AI is Improving Smart Home Devices Oven with Food Inside: An oven with its door open, revealing a variety of food items inside. The oven is black in color and has a glass window on the door that allows for easy viewing of the contents. Inside the oven, there are several dishes containing different types of food. On the top shelf, there is a dish filled with what appears to be roasted vegetables or meat. Below this, there is another dish holding what looks like mashed potatoes or other side dishes. The bottom shelf contains two more dishes, one filled with what seems to be cooked pasta and the other with what could be steamed broccoli. In addition to these dishes, there are also some utensils placed on top of the oven door, including a spoon and a spatula. Overall, the image suggests that someone has just finished cooking a meal in this oven and is now ready to serve it.